Rain creates interesting opportunities for photographers…

It’s raining again.

Although I’m not a big fan of rain I do recognize there are interesting possibilities for taking pictures. One of my favorite photos was taken just after the rain.

My wife and I were leaving the house when she called me over say, “Look at this.” She was pointing to the hood of the car. I reluctantly walked over and looked at the car. I liked what I saw very much. Here’s what I saw, with a little help with saturation from my Mac’s Preview app (which happens to be my favorite photo app).

Reflection off the car’s hood…

When I entered it in a photo contest I had to put an arrow on the back so they’d know which way was up. It got a blue ribbon. The only time I’ve ever entered a photo contest. 🙂

Incidentally, entering a contest doesn’t hurt. The worst that can happen is that you don’t win. But, you never know unless you try.